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  • Writer's pictureJennifer E. Rose

Learning, Living, and Loving

As I look at this photo, I cannot help but see the wisdom, experience, and passion in those hands. They have spent years learning the technique of drawing out the beautiful, warm, crisp, buoyant sounds of the drum. They have lived through many experiences which have added new wrinkles and calluses to their strong physique. And they have obviously grown to love the drum from which they coax musical undulations of life.

Though I may not have as many outward calluses and wrinkles, I feel like these hands and this drum. They are not tired. They are strong. They are not worn. They are experienced. I can feel the love and music they exude.

As an educator, it is easy to feel tired and worn from the continuous onslaught of meaningless white noise we experience every day. As a parent, it is easy to feel tired and worn from the continuous onslaught of meaningful challenges we encounter daily. But as a musician, I feel nothing but the excitement of learning something new, the thrill of living in the musical moments, and the inspiration of the love I have for music.

Until next time...

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